Three years ago, my sister Carla became an official member of the sandwich generation. The sandwich generation refers to people who care for their aging parents while supporting their own children at the same time. It was around then that Carla and I and our other sister, Paula, had a discussion with my parents about moving closer to one of us. My dad’s medical condition had become quite challenging, and we three girls felt being hours away did not give my mom the support she needed in caring for my dad. So my parents moved back to New Hampshire, into a place only minutes away from Carla. I want to point out two things. I am forever grateful that my parents use logic, rather than emotions, to deal with a situation like this. Moving, we all agreed, was the right thing to do. And second, my sister Carla found the perfect home for my parents just five minutes away from her own. It was love at first sight for my parents. Before the move, I did my best to share with my sister what...