Dori has been taking care of her two children by herself since she was 18. She anticipated that many of the financial challenges, the emotional ups and downs, and the constant juggling act would end once her children became adults and headed out on their own. I know what you’re thinking: This is going to be a story about the legions of baby boomer parents whose adult children have returned home to live. If so, you’d be wrong. What Dori is experiencing will stretch her financial and emotional limits for many, many years to come. At 56, she is a grandparent raising her 2-year old grandson, Luke. A year ago in the middle of the night, Dori received a call from Child Protective Services. They had Luke in custody; her daughter was in jail—a result of using and dealing drugs. CPS was looking for alternative care for Luke and Dori had been identified as a grandparent. If she did not take him, the infant boy would be remanded to foster care. According to the 2010 census, Dori is one...